iphone 4 1013 and 2009 Error
Iphone error fix
For all of you having a difficult time, here's exactly what I did to follow Dave's instructions:
1. Go to your "Applications" folder
2. Go to your "Utilities" folder
3. Launch "Terminal"
4. Type "sudo nano /etc/hosts" (without quotes) and hit return
5. Enter your password
6. Use the down arrow key to find the "gs.apple.com" entries. Once the cursor is in front, make sure you comment out the line(s) by entering "#" (no quotes) in front of the text
9. Restore your iDevice
10. Come back and thank Dave
Step-by-step for windows:
1. start > programs > accessories > notepad
2. file > open
3. navigate to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\
4. select the "hosts" file and click "open"
5. delete any line that has "sc.apple.com"
6. file > save
7. restore your iDevice
For all of you having a difficult time, here's exactly what I did to follow Dave's instructions:
1. Go to your "Applications" folder
2. Go to your "Utilities" folder
3. Launch "Terminal"
4. Type "sudo nano /etc/hosts" (without quotes) and hit return
5. Enter your password
6. Use the down arrow key to find the "gs.apple.com" entries. Once the cursor is in front, make sure you comment out the line(s) by entering "#" (no quotes) in front of the text
7. Save the file by pressing CONTROL+O on the keyboard
8. Exit the nano editor by pressing CONTROL+X on the keyboard9. Restore your iDevice
10. Come back and thank Dave
Step-by-step for windows:
1. start > programs > accessories > notepad
2. file > open
3. navigate to c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\
4. select the "hosts" file and click "open"
5. delete any line that has "sc.apple.com"
6. file > save
7. restore your iDevice
Good tips. If these can't fix you problem, you can read this.
How to Get Rid of iPhone Error 2009